About Us
Professional, Qualified Arborist
I remember the first time witnessing an Arborist at work and had no idea the occupation existed. Now I am at home in the canopy, exploring the landscape from a very different perspective. My name is Anton Artuso - the man behind Microbe Tree Service.
I ended up working part time for that first arborist for the summer. Blood and sweat defined "a good day" and I quickly became attached to hard, dangerous work outdoors.
My career unfolded as follows:
Diploma of Arboriculture at Humber College in Toronto
Apprenticeship completed under All Green Tree Service, Elmira ON.
Ontario journeyperson Arborist qualification obtained.
Since then I've gained experience working for companies in Guelph ON, Saltspring Island BC, Victoria BC, Sydney Australia, Darwin Australia, and here in the Okanagan most recently.